Lower Body Sports Injuries (Streaming)


This DVD presentation demonstrates a unique multi-disciplinary treatment sequence for Conditioning Sports Massage and detailed assessment and treatment protocols for Sports Injuries relating to the lower body, such as: Muscle Strain, Achilles tendon pain, Calcaneal Bursitis, Plantar Fasciitis, I.T. Band Syndrome (Runners Knee), Chondromalacia Patellae and Shin Splints.


This DVD presentation demonstrates a unique multi-disciplinary treatment sequence for Conditioning Sports Massage and detailed assessment and treatment protocols for Sports Injuries relating to the lower body, such as: Muscle Strain, Achilles tendon pain, Calcaneal Bursitis, Plantar Fasciitis, I.T. Band Syndrome (Runners Knee), Chondromalacia Patellae and Shin Splints.