Complicated Shoulder & Balancing the Pelvis CMT seminar

Two world class educators, presenting over three days  – Friday 1st, Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd of September 2023

Join world class educators, Aubrey Gowing & James Waslaski for an unforgettable three days Corrective Manual Therapy and Orthopedic Massage. Aubrey and James have been collaborating on in-person and online training programs for almost 15 years and this seminar will focus on two of their most important treatment sessions…Low Back and Shoulder Pain!

iTEC accredited certification

Venue: City North Hotel, Gormanston, Co. Meath, K32 W562

Cost: €425

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Seminar Overview

In this three day ‘Complicated Shoulder & Balancing the Pelvis’ seminar you will:

Discover the critical role the pelvis plays in ascending and descending syndromes and how to re-balance the pelvis. In this seminar Aubrey will help you learn some of the most effective approaches for assessing and treating Pelvic imbalance and chronic low back pain problems.

Learn the Kinetic Chain Patterns for Complicated Shoulder Conditions. James Waslaski integrates over 30 plus years of expertise in manual therapy to teach over 45 live seminars per year all over the world. In this class James will delve into his unique approach to the treatment of frozen shoulder.


About your presenters

Aubrey Gowing

Aubrey is the author of the acclaimed Myoskeletal & Sports Therapy books 1 & 2, Complete Myoskeletal & Sports Therapy and Kinesiology Taping Strategies. These books reflect his ongoing interest in the pain-free treatment of over-use, repetitive strain and chronic injuries.

With 34 years clinical experience and 29 years teaching experience, Aubrey’s passion is for educating clients, therapists and the general public about the benefits of Corrective Manual Therapy. In addition to his international seminars, Aubrey is a College Director at Holistic College Dublin, past President of the Irish Massage Therapists Association, a registered I.T.E.C instructor and NCBTMB accredited instructor, and is on the national register of trainers in Ireland.

James Waslaski

James Waslaski is a published author, and renowned international lecturer, teaching Chiropractors, Athletic Trainers, Osteopaths, Physical Therapists, Physiotherapists, Physicians, Certified Personal Trainers and Massage Therapists how to integrate their techniques to increase client outcomes. He is also a Certified Personal Trainer with the National Academy of Sports Medicine. James is an approved NCBTMB Provider. His textbook, Clinical Massage Therapy: A Structural Approach to Pain Management, was published by Pearson Publishing in 2011. He presents at state, national and international Chiropractic, Osteopathic, Athletic Training and Massage Therapy Conferences on an annual basis. James received the FSMTA International Achievement Award in 1997. He was inducted into the Massage Therapy Hall of Fame in 2008. He was also nominated and awarded by his peers Teacher of Year at both the Canadian Massage Conference in 2012 and at the World Massage Festival in 2015.

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Seminar Content


This unique, 3 day experience will cover a comprehensive approach to improving results in your practice with these common pain conditions. Training will range across important topics such as; practical application of techniques, clinical reasoning and a deeper understanding of the regional anatomy!

This seminar includes techniques and treatment sequences for:

Balancing the pelvis – Presented by Aubrey Gowing

  • In this assessment, rationale and technique focused session, Aubrey will take you through each of the possible dysfunctions of the pelvis, explaining the nature and impact of each issue. Specific assessments will help to unravel complex cases by identifying each dysfunction in turn. Treatment will focus the most effective techniques to address each imbalance and reassessment strategies will help you to evaluate treatment outcomes.

Kinetic Chain Patterns for Complicated Shoulder Condition – Presented by James Waslaski

  • In the world of manual therapy it has been proven that a contribution to shoulder pain comes from prior injuries or surgeries (scars) and musculoskeletal imbalances throughout the entire body. Fascial lines of tension, from accumulated injuries throughout your life time, can cause the entire body to compensate. So even when therapists treat the shoulder injuries, without doing Total Body Balancing Techniques and treating scars that have accumulated over a life time, the shoulder symptoms usually return! The first thing therapists will do is look at the ankles, and the stirrup spring system, which is the foundation of the entire body. Then they will also assess and treat lines of tension coming from the pelvis, knee, ankles, shoulders, elbow, wrist and neck, prior to treating complicated shoulder conditions. By addressing scars and lines of tension throughout the body, treating complicated shoulder conditions will be so much more effective. In this  updated presentation, James will cover both his latest advanced Shoulder treatment and Kinetic chain protocols.

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Seminar Fees

Dates: Friday 1st, Saturday 2nd & Sunday 3rd of September 2023

Time: 9:00am to 5pm

Venue: City North Hotel, Gormanston, Co. Meath, K32 W562

(20 min. from Dublin airport).

Price: €425


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Hotel accommodation

City North Hotel

Gormanston, Co. Meath, K32 W562

(20 min north of Dublin Airport).

We have arranged a group discount rate on accommodation. Please quote ‘Holistic College Dublin’ when booking by email, or phone (01) 690 6666.

Discount room rates are as follows:

1st September – 2 nights @ €144.00 per night – Room only

Add breakfast for just €12.00 pp/per night.


Purchase Complicated Shoulder & Balancing the Pelvis CMT seminar